Ahaban Green Camp – Gloria Pointers Girls’ School
- Posted In : News , #AfricanNGOs, Africa, AhabanGreenCamps, BeadMaking, charity, Painting, Reading
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Our first Green Camp Session of the year kicked off with a visit to Gloria Pointers Girls’ School in Agona Nkum, which is located in the Central Region.
We were warmly welcomed by the pupils and patrons of the school on arrival. After a word of prayer, we started the Green Camp Session with the different the activities planned for the day.
The girls were divided and placed into three groups according to their classes. We had the Drawing & Painting, Bead- Making and Tie/Dye groups.
In the Drawing and Painting Group, kids were asked to visualize and paint out things they like to do or be in the future.
In the Bead – Making Session, the kids were taught how to string beads in order to produce key holders. Beautiful keyholders were produced at the end of the session.
During the Tie/Dye Session, the kids in that group were taken through the process of tie/dye and were given cut-up linen to try their hands on what they learned from the demostration. Colourful tie/dye cloths were produced at the end of the session.
We introduced Computer Literacy Session to our list of activities and pupils of Gloria Pointer Girls School had feel of it. We took them through fundamentals of the computer and they caught on it really quickly which was impressive.
We wrapped the Green Camp with a reading session in which everyone was involved. Kids told us in their own words, the moral or lessons they learnt from the stories they read.
Many thanks to patrons of Gloria Pointers Girls School for giving us the opportunity to come and show love to the girls, representatives from Gye Nyame Leo Club Ghana, Ms. Verlica, Nyonyo Foods and to all Ahaban GLF volunteers that took time off to spend time with the kids.