Give Back Ghana Secures Long Term Funding
- Posted In : News , #AhabanGLF, charity, Donation, ghana, GiveBackGhana, NGO, WestAfrica
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Give Back Ghana, a charity established during the COVID-19 lockdown 2020 by entrepreneur Tom Russell, has been selected to receive a further significant community engagement grant from the Grundfos Foundation.
The generous donation from the foundation founded by Poul Due Jensen, who is also the founder of Danish pump manufacturing company – Grundfos, will secure the long term future and growth of the NGO. Give Back Ghana came into existence in 2020 when Russell, entrepreneur and businessman from the United Kingdom visited Ghana to source opportunities to expand local Ghanaian businesses to the European market. Russell ended up being stranded in Ghana due to the COVID-19 lock down regulations, contrary to the 1 week intended stay that he had initially planned. In applying his entrepreneurial skills and passion for helping people, he saw the reality of this struggle and thus partnered up with local businesses to start Give Back Ghana.
Give Back Ghana aims to help the most vulnerable families in Central Accra by providing them with some basic need essentials by supplying food and sanitation boxes. Each box at an estimated value of 50 Ghana Cedis, is filled with carefully selected staple foods and sanitising products to help protect the recipients against the COVID-19 virus.
The project received international acclaim and was featured on BBC World News amongst others. Using the donation received from the Grundfos Foundation, Give Back Ghana will now expand. The project has now found a semi permanent fixed site in East Legon will begin by providing in excess of 4000 food and sanitation boxes to vulnerable families living in the informal and vulnerable communities in central Accra.
Russell commented “We are very thankful for this significant donation and proud to begin this project with Grundfos Foundation”. A strong bond between Grundfos and Give Back Ghana has been formed in particular with the acquisition of a semi permanent space which will ease and simplify the process for packing and the distribution. Our additional partnerships with Ahaban GLF, Ghandour Cosmetics, Sincerely Ghana, Les Fam and LeLe Foods come at a critical time and will provide much needed relief to families in Central Accra. яндекс
Antoine Mensah
September 13th, 2021 View Profile