Ahaban-GLF | Ghana COVID Relief Progress
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Hello Family! As we come to the end of the 3rd week of Lockdown we’d like to thank you again for all your kind donations towards our Covid19 relief efforts here in Accra (Ghana)
Our Progress
We’ve raised a total of GHs 4000.00 over the past few weeks. We’ve also received donations in the form of food items. Thank You!
Your donations went into feeding 300-400 homeless people in Accra through Christ The King Soup Kitchen.
Following a Government directive, on Thursday 16th April, we started serving all daily meals from the Efua Sutherland Children’s park under the supervision of police, military and Ministry Of Gender & Social protection who ensure the beneficiaries comply Social Distancing rules while collecting their food.
Moving Forward
There’s a possibility that the lockdown may continue. In making preparations towards that, our target is to raise an extra GHS 6000.00 to prepare food baskets with essential food items for distribution to identified families and individuals in need of help.
Thanks to our partners (Give Ghana) and your donations we’ll be able to start distributing the first 50 food boxes this weekend.
We’d like to encourage you to keep the donations coming in as we do all we can to support the homeless and less-privileged during this tough time.
For donations or further inquiries you can contact us via 0243761986
Antoine Mensah
April 17th, 2020 View Profile